How To Save Money On Moving Supplies

Moving can be pretty expensive no matter how good of a deal you can find. If you want to save money while moving, you’ll need a plan. Keep in mind

that there are some things in a move that you cannot cut back on. There are many different

cost-saving methods you can try out for your move though.

First of all, you’ll need to save money on packing supplies. Make a packing supply list so you

have an estimate of how many boxes you’ll need along with rolls of tape, markers, labels, etc.

You’ll almost definitely need to add to it later but having a starting guide will definitely help keep

your budget under control.

Get plastic containers

The best thing about plastic containers is that you can keep them around for additional storage

and even use them for your next move. These containers, however, can be pricey. You can try

asking friends or family for any extra ones they have on hand. Most people are eager to help

out a friend and with some quick labeling on each container with masking tape and markers,

it becomes easy to remember which container belongs to who for when it comes time to return


Plastic boxes are easily stacked and don’t take much room. To store them, simply remove the

lids and stack them upon each other. it’s easy and convenient.

Rent out plastic containers

If you don’t want to buy or ask for plastic containers, there are several Long Branch moving

companies that can rent them out to you for a price. Renting out plastic containers is a good

way to keep your move green and earth-friendly since there won’t be any waste afterwards.

Gather used boxes

Wine boxes and liquor boxes can be very useful during a move. They are the ideal size

for packing smaller items and heavy books. Just be sure to use boxes that are clean and

tough. These boxes can then be placed within larger boxes making for easy categorizing and

organizing. You can even try Craigslist for gathering used boxes. A number of people will simply

give them away so that they won’t need to recycle them.

Garbage bags

Get clear garbage bags so you can see their contents easier. Do not use garbage bags alone

without speaking to you Long Branch moving company beforehand as many movers will refuse

to pack anything in their truck that isn’t boxed. The clear garbage bags are for organizing

different linens, clothes, and beddings. Make sure you put them within large boxes for easier

shipping and handling. The garbage bags are for organizing purposes only but they certainly

help with packing and will save time as well.

Linens and cloth

You can avoid spending money on bubble wrap and packing peanuts by using pillows, towels,

and linens instead. Packing peanuts and bubble wrap cannot be recycled anyway. Don’t use

newspapers though as the ink can rub off on what you are wrapping them in. Instead, use

shredded paper as they serve the same purpose of keeping your fragile belongings safe.

Call TMG Movers of Long Branch Now At 848-230-7000 For A Free Estimate!